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Friday 26 June 2015

Create The World You Want To Live In. It All Starts With YOU - Whitney Oladeinde (26/06/2015)

Many complain about every issue and problem with the “broken system” in the UK but the saddest part is that very few are willing to stand and make a difference. Personally, I live by the philosophy that “If you’re not helping to make it right, then stop complaining about it being wrong.”
As a young person involved in politics, all I hear from my peers is that the education system is broken, politicians don’t care about the needs or opinions of young people, it’s impossible to get jobs after university, etcetera.
My argument isn’t that these issues aren’t there or are over-exaggerated; my point is that the beginning of the solution to these problems is not in saying… “I can’t be asked to vote, they’re all the same. My vote really doesn’t make a difference.”

It all starts with YOU. Let me explain…
Politicians produce policies based on where the vote is because their aim is to get re-elected. It really is that simple.

In the 2015 election, voters aged 65 or above were the highest turnout group (78%), whereas the number of 18 to 25-year-olds who cast their ballots was 58%. I’m happy to say that it has increased from 52% in 2010 and 38% in 2005. Platforms like Stand Up and Be Counted, has grown to have over 500,000 members where young people can debate on all kind of issues from the NHS to unemployment. Moreover, in 2010, British politics witnessed the influence that young people can have in this nation with the success of the Liberal Democrats getting into government partly because of their promise that university tuition fees would not be increased.

You can argue that well, Nick Clegg never kept that promise. But the wider effect of that was that we have seen more of an interest from the larger, main parties in the concerns of young people. For example, the coverage given to the possibility of lowering the voting age is just one example of how we, as young people, can make our interests some of the most important policies of the main parties. Imagine the influence that young people could have over mandates and major policies from the main parties just by choosing to vote and take part in all elections from now on!

This seems pointless after we’ve just had the General election but I’m trying to show you the power of your vote, and not just in a General election! VOTE… In your local elections, for your MEP’s, your councillors, take part in every election! The higher the young vote is the more policies will be tailored to what we, as young people want. Every vote counts!

I really do think that this is the MINIMUM requirement to create the world you want to live in… Thanks for reading and stay tuned to read the next level in next month’s “Create the World You Want to Live In – part 2”.

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