
Who is MCM?

An informative yet entertaining blog to inspire young people. MCM is run by a dedicated and self motivated team (aged 19-21) whose aim is to showcase the ins and outs of the media industry and entertain the youth. Check out our page weekly for new articles discussing Fashion, Sport, Music and Lifestyle. MCM have so much to offer, from our Youtube channel to our events.

Monday 30 March 2015


So as we delve into the fourth month of the year, it’s a decent time to look back and see how we’ve done since the beginning of 2015. Me personally, it could be better… a lot better but slowly and surely things will pick up they always do. One question I was asking myself is, am I being the best version of me? I mean of course we can all visualize where we ultimately want to be but I’m asking myself and you, are you the best version of yourself day in day out?

I’m sure a lot of us are in a situation or situations we don’t want to be in. Jobs we don’t like, family problems, relationship issues and the list goes on, but unfortunately that’s life. However, its imperative you find yourself smiling and staying as upbeat as  much as possible. Life is filled with opportunities everyday, if we look hard enough and if we’re lucky enough some of them fall at our feet. You would hate to have missed out on one because you weren’t in the mood or just weren’t being the best you. Imagine you had a conversation with a manager at your place of work and because you weren’t bothered and just acted anyhow he told you he decided not to put you forward for a promotion as a result of that. You’d be kinda vex right? Now this is just one of the opportunities you know you had that you missed because you weren’t being the best you. Imagine all the ones you would have missed out on that you didn’t know of.

Now don’t misunderstand me I’m not trying to be unrealistic. Life is a handful and plenty more of them. Days will come, weeks and even years where it will feel like it you will need to draw on every fiber in your body to crack a smile. Sometimes it might not even be possible but that’s exactly it, you do what you’re capable of that day. Sometimes you’ll just manage a smile, some days it will be a smile with a bop in your step making everyone laugh and lighting up the day. In this example the day you only smiled isn’t lesser than the day you were walking with that swagger because on both days you were the best you possible and that’s the best you could do. Everyday is different so we must continue to adapt to what it brings and be realistic with how we feel but always aiming to push past the pain and disappointment some days may bring.
There are some real bad days though right? Nothing you’re attempting is helping you and it feels like the day is dragging you somewhere you don’t want to go. This is when I recommend you reach out to someone. Friends aren’t there to just help you take pictures for Instagram,  I've talked about this in a previous post, if you trust them enough, open up to them they could be of more help than you could imagine. They could say one thing that could change your whole outlook on that day, they could say something you have already told yourself but say it in a way that was different and it just hits you. At the end of the day, commit everyday to God and I’m sure you’ll come out the other end all right.

So I encourage you to take control of how you’re feeling. Circumstances play a huge role no denying that but at the end of the day you decide how you let it affect you even if you think you don’t. Be the best you! You never know who you’re going to meet that day. One conversation is all it takes and it could be life changing in so many ways. First impressions mean a lot and once its gone you cant get it back. So show everyone the ten out of ten version of you, you wouldn’t want them to get the wrong idea right?

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