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Monday 24 March 2014


As I'm sure most of you know summer is very much round the corner, meaning summer holidays, bbq's, drastic heat waves, water fights and a whole lot of skin on show, and a chance for all the males out there to show the body they've been working hard for. For all those that haven't started training for that summer body, time is running out. We're going to outline the quickest most efficient way to get your physique up to scratch before summer.

I think it's important to first identify common misconceptions associated with getting in shape in terms of fat loss and muscle building and eradicate them from you're mindset completely.
The first main one are abs, or achieving that hard to get six pack; most believe crunching themselves to sleep is the best method, which is untrue. The best way to get a six pack? Heavy compound lifting; squats, deadlift, bench press, military press and pull ups. Why you ask? Because the more muscles you can workout the more fat you're going to burn, and the more fat you burn, the more visible you're abs are going to be.
This way you target the majority of the muscles as well.

Aside from weight lifting, cardio is quite important in terms of general heart health and can be useful in reducing body fat. Although jogging isn't something I'd recommend; sprinting on the other had is a much higher intensity and has many more benefits, it can help build muscle and is far more effective than long slow duration jogging for burning fat.

There's a saying that abs are made in the kitchen and there's a reason for this, no matter how good your training is, all your hard work and effort could go down the drain with poor nutrition. Fast food will not get you results, instead opt for leafy greens such as spinach and kale, lean meats such as Turkey breast and complex carbs such as quinoa.

Of course we can't neglect rest. In order to see optimal results, make sure you give your body time to recover. Ensure you give your body 8 hours sleep at night, important hormones are released which help repair muscle tissue after workouts. So minimise the late nights!

Summers arriving soon! Stay committed and remain consistent, good luck !

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